David Ogilo

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Rock. Paper. Scissors

I recently created a simple program for the game “rock-paper-scissors”, which was for a job application. I decided to publish the code (including PHPUnit tests) on GitHub so if you want to extend or play around with it, please feel free to. The game has two modes – PVC (Player vs. Computer) and CVC (Computer vs. Computer). It can also store the instance and result of your game(s) in case you want to continue on a later date.

The program is very easy to use as shown below:

$ php rps.php --game=pvc rock
Game started - to reuse this instance please run game again with --id=q3mftlcemfjt4p79i2iontf4h1
The game ended with computer winning, having picked a paper whilst you picked a rock.
==== Game Statistics ====
Draws: 0
Wins: 0
Computer wins: 1

You can access more options by using the command php rps.php -h. If you want to run the tests just type the command phpunit in the directory.

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