David Ogilo

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Loading a post template based on post type and ID in WordPress

Ever wondered how you can load a template for a post based on its ID or post type apart from using a default template that handles all type of posts? Well, there is an easy way! All you need to do is add a few lines in the functions.php file of your site theme. An explanation is shown below:

add_filter( 'single_template', 'singleTemplate' );
function singleTemplate( $template )
	global $post;
	if  ( $post->post_type == 'post' )
		$replace = 'post-';
	$replace .= $post->ID;
	$newTemplate = preg_replace( '/(.*)\.php$/', '-'. $replace . '.php', $template );
	if ( file_exists( $newTemplate ) )
		return $newTemplate;
	return $template;

The template file will be in the format single-{post_type}-{ID}.php

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